How To Store Food While Camping

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To store your food while camping you need to make sure to keep it in a cooler or other sealed containers. At night keep the containers locked in the car or bear locker. If you are backpacking keep your food in a hung bear bag or bear container. Never store food in your tent.

Let’s look at how to store food while camping in more detail.

Can’t live without your morning coffee?

Hate the idea of going a day without a good meal?

Don’t worry, you can still enjoy your favorite foods and drinks while camping.

With a little bit of preparation, you can store food and drinks safely while camping, so you won’t have to miss out on anything.

Check out these tips for storing food while camping.

During The Day Keep Food Stored In Airtight Containers And Coolers

Any camper worth their salt knows the importance of keeping their food supplies safe from critters.

Make sure that all of your food is stored in airtight containers or a securely fastened cooler.

During the day, keep your coolers and containers in a shady spot out of direct sunlight.

And, if possible, raise them off the ground on a picnic table or other platform.

By taking these simple precautions, you can ensure that your food stays safe and sound – and you can avoid becoming an unwelcome midnight snack for a hungry bear.

Learn more about keeping your food cool while camping here.

At Night Secure The Cooler And Containers

Most animals that will want to rummage through your food will only come out at night.

You might think a cooler or closed Tupperware lid will be enough to keep the animals out but this not true. I’ve had raccoons open up a traditional cooler and steal an entire pack of tortillas.

Thus make sure to keep the coolers and containers in your vehicle or bear locker at night.

When Backpacking Hang Your Food Or Store In A Bear Canister

When you’re out backpacking in bear country, it’s important to take steps to protect your food.

One way to do this is by hanging your food and any other scented items (like toothpaste or lotion) from a tree at least 10 feet off the ground and 6 feet away from the trunk.

Another option is to store your food in a bear-proof canister.

These canisters are made of hard plastic or metal and are difficult for bears to open.

They’re also airtight, so bears can’t smell what’s inside.

No matter which method you choose, be sure to clean up any spilled food and dispose of all garbage properly.

By taking these precautions, you’ll help ensure a safe and enjoyable backpacking trip for everyone involved.

Learn more about storing food while backpacking in bear country here.

Bonus Tip - Double Bag Your Frozen Meat

Before you leave for your camping trip, freeze the fresh meat you will bring camping.

This will keep the meat colder longer while using less ice. And by double-bagging, you avoid having the meat turn into a soggy mess in the cooler.

Clean Your Cookware And Dishes As Soon As Possible

When you’re out camping, the last thing you want to worry about is doing dishes.

However, if you don’t clean your cookware and dishes as soon as possible, they can quickly become covered in food and grease, attracting bugs and animals.

In addition, dirty dishes are a breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to food poisoning.

To avoid these problems, it’s best to wash your dishes as soon as you’re finished using them.

If you don’t have access to running water, you can use biodegradable soap and a pot of boiling water.

Just be sure to rinse your dishes thoroughly before using them again.

With a little effort, you can keep your campsite clean and enjoy a hassle-free experience.

Now here are three common mistakes people make when storing food while camping.

Storing Food In Tents

The most common mistake I see when people are camping is that they keep food and toiletries in their tents while camping.

These are often children who are careless and oblivious to the dangers in the wild.

It only takes one time for a critter to smell the food in the tent, and then they will be back every night until they find a way in.

I recommend designating one person to be in charge of food storage while camping.

This will help to ensure that all food is properly stored and that no one accidentally leaves food out.

Not Storing Food Properly

Another mistake that people make when storing food while camping is not storing it properly.

This often happens when people are in a hurry to set up camp and don’t take the time to properly store their food.

As a result, they end up leaving their food out in the open, where it can attract animals.

To avoid this, be sure to take the time to properly store your food before you leave for your camping trip.

This will help to ensure that your food stays fresh and safe to eat.

Not Disposing Of Food Properly

The final mistake that people make when storing food while camping is not disposing of food properly.

When you’re finished with your food, it’s important to dispose of it properly.

This means that you should not leave it out in the open where animals can get to it.

Instead, you should wrap it up and put it in a sealed bag before throwing it away.

By taking these steps, you can help to keep your campsite clean and free of food-related hazards.

We’ve all been there - we pack our cooler with all of the food and drinks we need for a day at the beach, only to find that everything has turned to warm mush by the end of the day.

What went wrong?

The most likely culprit is that the cooler was opened and closed too frequently.

Every time the cooler is opened, warm air rushes in, causing the temperature inside to rise.

Conversely, when cold air escapes from the cooler, it has to be replaced by more cold air from outside, which can quickly deplete the cooler’s supply of ice.

So, if you want to keep your food cold, it’s important to minimize how often you open and close the cooler.

The Perfect Cure For Storing Food While Camping

The perfect cure for storing food at a campsite is to bring two coolers and at least 1 large plastic tub with a lid or invest in a camping chuck kit.

The first cooler is used to store your food. By keeping the food in its own cooler the food will stay colder longer because the cooler will be closed most of the time.

The second cooler is used for drinks. While we still wish to keep our drinks cold, it’s not as critical to keep them cold for food safety as it is for our fresh meat and dairy.

Use the large plastic tub or tote to store your snack food items such as chips, crackers, nuts, and candy.

When camping, it’s important to have a place to store all of your food so that it doesn’t attract animals.

A large plastic tub or tote is the perfect solution for this.

You can put all of your chips, crackers, nuts, and candy in there so that they are out of the way and safe from any critters.

Plus, it will keep them fresh and easy to access when you’re ready to snack.

You can store your condiments and seasonings and cooking utensils in this tub or use a separate one.

Finally, don’t forget to bring a way to store all of your cooking equipment and seasonings while camping.

A good solution for this is to bring a large plastic storage bin with a lid.

You can put all of your pots, pans, and other cooking equipment in there so that it’s out of the way and protected from the elements.

Plus, it will keep your seasonings and spices fresh and easy to access when you’re ready to cook.

When it comes to storing food while camping, the key is to be organized and prepared.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your food stays fresh and safe to eat.

Happy camping!